Thursday, 22 November 2018

Post 8 : Personal Opinions

Resultado de imagen para immigrants

Hi bloggers: Today's post is about personal opinions. In my case I'd like to talk about a topic that I 'm interested in : Immigrants.  This is a national issue nowadays considering the huge  number of people coming to settle down  in Chile. They have contributed with their own cultures, customs and habits sometimes for better  or for worse.  In recent weeks there's been a lot of discussion about the policies that are to be made in order to control and  standardise the process of immigration. What topic would you like to give your opinion about?  Use 250 words . Don't forget to leave  comments on my blog and on 3 of your classmates' ones. Cheers.

Friday, 16 November 2018

Post 7 : English Language Challenges

Resultado de imagen para english language challenges pictures

Hi  bloggers : As you already know this is one of  our last posts.  Then it´d be important  for you and us to know about your experience with them. Then,we´d like you to write this last post including the following information and some other you may want to:

> How did you like this subject at university? What about the use of blogs?
> What aspects of your English need to be improved and how do you plan to do this?
> Outside the English class, how much are you using English these days? What for?
Use 260 words and don't forget to make comments on 3 of your partners' posts.
See you

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Post 5 : My Future Job

Hello everyone : Nowadays when the topic of education as a means of social mobility  and all the implications of that fact, have been seriously questioned, analysed , and discussed , I think it is inevitable to relate education with future jobs, with your expectations about positions, jobs, salaries, types of work , etc When I was  at school I always wanted to work with English as a translator or an interpreter. However, the year I had to enter the university,  the career of Translation was closed. I was totally lost because it was the only one I liked. Then I decided to enter English Teaching at PUC  in order to change careers internally. How naive I was at 17 !!! It was impossible in practice. Desperate this time, I received the best advice from a teacher: " As a translator, you can't work as a teacher, but as a teacher you can work as a translator anywhere".  As easy as that! That's exacly what I've done in my professional development.  What about  you? what  have you thought about  it? For example, have you  planned to take a major after you graduate?  Explain why. What kind of job would you like to have? Describe it.What aspects would you consider  when choosing your job? If you were asked in a job interview about your strengths and weaknesses, what would you say? Use 210 words and don´t forget to leave comments on 3 of your partners posts.
See you in classes! Bye

Friday, 26 October 2018

Post 6 Changes to my study program

Resultado de imagen para study abroad programs for college students

Hi bloggers:  How is it going?  I  hope  good  enough, since we're very close to the end of the semester. Well, today's topic is about your study programme.  I don't know your study program, but  I   certainly  think that there should be more English courses  with higher levels and with a stronger emphasis on   speaking and writing. This is due to the fact that nowadyays more and more students are travelling to study postgraduate courses abroad, where these skills are required.  What do you think of it? What changes would you like to make?  You may focus on different aspects, such as : subjects, facilities, professors, field trips and any other area you'd like to. Use 250 words and don't forget to leave comments on your classmates' blogs and my own too.

Thursday, 18 October 2018

Post 4: (Free-theme) Types of plants

Resultado de imagen para indoor plants decor ideas

Hi bloggers: Today's post is the second one you chose. Actually, I must admit I don't know much about plants although I love them  Well, the only plants I know, buy and try to look after are the indoor ones for my apartment. However, I've been very unlucky with them. They never last for very long and die. I don't know if I water them too much or to little.Perhaps  it's something else. I don't know.
I assume you must know very many different types of plants and I'm sure you know all about them.
What  types of plants do you prefer? Why? What do you know about them? Do you cultivate any of them? Use 200 words and don't forget to leave comments on 3 of your classmates' and  teacher's blogs.

Thursday, 11 October 2018

Post 3 : (Themed post) Music

Resultado de imagen para queen greatest hits

Hi bloggers: Today you're going to write about the first free topic you chose: Music. Well, personally I must admit that I don't know much about music although I like it quite a lot. If you could see my playlists on Spotify you'd be surprised  at  the wide range of singers, bands, styles,etc. I love English rock where Elton John, Eric Clapton, Phil Collins, Bruce Springsteen are at the top of the list when referring to singers. When talking about bands I really ,really love Queen. In my opinion they are the very best by far. Now in relation to contemporary singers  Adelle  and Amy Winehouse are my favourite ones. Nevertheless, I've also got  some other favourite singers in Spanish, like Serrat, Silvio Rodríguez, Pablo Milanés for example. As you can see I've got a wide range of musical preferences. What about? What's/are your favourite singers? Bands? Types  of music? Any favourite  style? Any other type of music you hate? I'd like to know about that . Use 180 words and don't forget to leave comments on 3 of your classmates' and  teacher's  blogs. CU.

Friday, 5 October 2018

Post 2 : The best holiday you've ever had/ The best concert you've ever attended

Hello bloggers : How was your   weekend? I hope everything was great  . Well.  today we've got 2 topics for you to choose ONE: Your best  holidays .It's difficult for me to choose the best holidays because I've had several good ones, but perhaps the one that I usually remember because it was totally different from  all the other ones was when I was 19 years old and hitchhiked  from Stgo to Chiloe with a friend  during February. I visited lots of places and met lots of interesting people, but the most important was the  experience of solving problems, making decisions I'd never made before and realising  we were able to do it by ourselves.  What about you? Write about  when it was, where you went, how long it was, who you went with, what activities you did, why it has been your best  holidays so far  and add any other information  you consider relevant to the topic. 

The second option is to write about the best concert you've ever attended. Talk about when and where it was , what artist you saw, what you know about that artist, describe the atmosphere you  could see during the event, how you felt and why you enjoyed it and include any other memories about it. Remember you must chhoose ONE of the topics to write about.Use 170 words and don´t forget to leave your comments on 3 classmates´. and your teacher's blogsC U next week.