Thursday, 18 October 2018

Post 4: (Free-theme) Types of plants

Resultado de imagen para indoor plants decor ideas

Hi bloggers: Today's post is the second one you chose. Actually, I must admit I don't know much about plants although I love them  Well, the only plants I know, buy and try to look after are the indoor ones for my apartment. However, I've been very unlucky with them. They never last for very long and die. I don't know if I water them too much or to little.Perhaps  it's something else. I don't know.
I assume you must know very many different types of plants and I'm sure you know all about them.
What  types of plants do you prefer? Why? What do you know about them? Do you cultivate any of them? Use 200 words and don't forget to leave comments on 3 of your classmates' and  teacher's blogs.


  1. Miss, I really like this topic because I love plants. In my house I`ve a lot of plants.
    The picture is yours?. I also have "Cardenales".

  2. I think that you have to give love to plants haha!
    You can search for information about plants on the internet, books or mobile applications, that can help you a lot, and your plants will thank you!

  3. Is very sad that you have very unlucky with plants. But you could try with cactus. Is very easy take care of them.
    Pd: I really loved this topic!

  4. This is the best topic of all post miss!
    Give a lot of love to your plants and they will live

  5. I Love plants, i have some tomatoes in my garden but my favorite plant its the grapevine

  6. the best post so far this year!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. As Damaris tells you, cactus are easy to take care. And If you have plants in your house It will give cheerful and peace :)
